
If you don't know anything about Citizenship, check out the Citizenship chapter. Shortly, as a citizen, you can

How to become a Citizen

Step 1 - Binding wallet

Follow the Binding Wallet chapter to easily complete this step.

Step 2 - Earning 3 DKP3

Follow the Quiz-to-3 DKP3 to simply complete this step.

Step 3 - Earning DKP1

Step 4 - Earning DKP2

Step 5 - Mint Passport or Cafeteria NFT

When you get enough DKP1,2,3, you can mint the Passport or Cafeteria NFT.

NFTs Description Mint Requirements
Passport The basic membership of the DAOSquare community, which includes the rights for DAO participating and summoning, x to earn, and benefits sharing. Passport NFT minting requirements. • DKP2 = 10
• DKP3 = 3
Cafeteria The membership with governance rights of the DAOSquare community, which includes all rights of Passport NFT, and the governance rights of the DAOSquare community. Cafeteria NFT minting requirements. • DKP1 = 10
• DKP2 = 50
• DKP3 = 5